Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Comments Appended to One of My Recent YouTube Items

Solo prepared electric guitar and voice recorded by Gary Lee Joyner in Mill Valley, CA in 1983. It was recorded into a two-track Walkman Professional cassette recorder. The sound quality has been cleaned up a bit. Other than that this is precisely how it sounded that day. The first half of the recording is an improvised guitar solo. It moves directly into the song performance.

Photo: GLJ, 1972. Here are some loosely related anecdotes to read while you should be focusing on the nuances of the guitar solo for which I still have great affection. The photo was taken ten years before the recording playing now. It was taken at a session at Moon Sound in Minneapolis, a session of the first and wildest version of The Fixation Band. The music played that day was very much in the same vein as Pretty Black Marks. Sadly, the tapes are lost. I was working with a particularly crazed saxophone player at the time, a fine lead guitarist who did some creative mods on the guitar in the picture, a drummer who later worked with me in San Francisco, a keyboardist who committed suicide soon after the sessions, and Grosse Johann Divine who played bass with me for years.

As it happens, I was the first person to record at Moon Sound. The studio at that time was a dark smelly coal bin in the basement of an old house, but Chris already had a window between the bin and his control booth. He was using a Teac 4-track that ran at 15 i.p.s. By the time of this picture the studio had moved into a larger cellar room. That's burlap hanging on limestone walls for sound absorption.

A huge party was held at Moon Sound on my 25th birthday. Someone poured beer in the studio piano, someone else set my bongos on fire, the crazed sax player took the stage for a wigged out solo and wouldn't get off...then things began to get out of hand.

A couple of years after this photo was taken rumors started to float around the Moon Sound scene that Chris was recording a 16 year old kid who was writing his own material and playing all the instruments. A real monster who showed signs of going somewhere in the biz. And he had a weird name...Prince...

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